If you think you may already be infected with Fake Windows Antivirus , use this SpyHunter Spyware dectection tool to detect Fake Windows Antivirus and other common Spyware infections. Fake Windows Antivirus may attempt to change your computer's desktop, hijack your browser, monitor your Internet browsing activities, change system files, and can do this without your knowledge or permission. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to remove all traces of Fake Windows Antivirus from your computer.
Fake Windows Antivirus , as well as other Spyware, are constantly evolving and becoming more advanced to avoid detection. Fake Windows Antivirus along with its variants can install in different locations and even when you try to uninstall it you find they reappear when you reboot your computer.
When there's a large number of traces of Spyware, for example Fake Windows Antivirus , that have infected a computer, the only remedy may be to automatically run a Spyware scan from a good anti-spyware software designed to detect Fake Windows Antivirus and other types of spyware.
If you wish to eliminate spyware from your PC and prevent future spyware attacks, we recommend you buy SpyHunter's spyware removal tool, which includes full technical support and a Spyware HelpDesk to tackle spyware that is uniquely affecting your PC. Views Article. Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with Wikipedia and should not be confused with the website of Wikipedia, which can be found at Wikipedia.
This website should be used for informational purposes only. Fake Windows Antivirus Information. Detection Tool:. SpyHunter's spyware scanner is intended to quickly scan and identify spyware on your PC. IE Alert:. If you are using Internet Explorer and can not download SpyHunter, please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome.
Disclaimer Information This website, its content or any portion of this website is NOT affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Fake Windows Antivirus or its creators in any way. Like most rogue anti-virus software, Windows Antivirus will try to convince you to purchase a 'full version' of Windows Antivirus with a campaign of harassment consisting of a continuous stream of fake error messages and alarming security notifications.
Windows Antivirus also has the capacity to detect the presence of legitimate security software and disable it as well as preventing access to Windows tools that are helpful in removing malware from your computer system such as Windows Update, the Task Manager, System Restore, or Windows Defender. Most Windows Antivirus infections are a result of a supposedly 'free' online malware scan.
Basically, these kinds of advertisements are found on unsafe websites with poorly-regulated advertisements or on web pages specifically designed to attempt to infect your computer with Windows Antivirus There are two ways in which Windows Antivirus typically enters a computer system.
Either the victim will download Windows Antivirus themselves, fooled into thinking that Windows Antivirus is a real security program, or an attack website will attempt to use exploits in order to install Windows Antivirus on the victim's computer.
Usually, a Windows Antivirus infection is preceded by a pop-up message claiming that the victim's computer is in danger from a malware infection and that, to remove it, it is necessary to install Windows Antivirus What causes this message is often a Trojan already installed on the victim's computer such as the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert Trojan, the Vundo Trojan or the Zlob Trojan or a malicious advertisement or pop-up message displayed on your web browser.
Either way, the result is a malware infection that tries to steal your money by making you believe your computer system is infected with malware. ESG malware analysts recommend dealing with a Windows Antivirus infection by booting up in Safe Mode and utilizing a real anti-malware program to remove Windows Antivirus and its associated malware.
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This article is provided "as is" and to be used for educational information purposes only.