If you are not familiar with electronics, do not attempt to repair! You could suffer a fatal electrical shock! Instead, contact your nearest service center! Translate this page:. Annyit talaltam rola hogy ez a gyerekzar, eepromot nem talaltam hozza, ures eeprommal meg se nyikkan. Valamilyen elolapi gombkombinacioval ki lehet-e kapcsolni a gyerekzarat?
Similar manuals:. If you want to join us and get repairing help please sign in or sign up by completing a simple electrical test or write your question to the Message board without registration. You can write in English language into the forum not only in Hungarian! See below. Good luck to the repair! Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage! Looking for similar teac manual? Document preview [1st page]. Please tick the box below to get download link:.
For this no need registration. Please take a look at the below related repair forum topics. May be help you to repair. If you are not familiar with electronics, do not attempt to repair! You could suffer a fatal electrical shock!