Digital Daydream. Corona Panic! Luca Langenberg. An experimental game about everyday madness. Super Balrog. Ministro da Saude Simulator. Falhe e comece de novo. Bleat The Wolf.
Team Llama. Protect the nuclear launch button from social media frenzy. Adventure game where you play as Hillary Clinton and you must stop Donald Trump from spreading his message. Jose Deschamps. Iain the Indie. Experience a front row seat as the Premier of Alberta addresses the province live. Civil Matters. Hong Kong pro-democracy activists like Joshua Wong made use of 'Animal Crossing' — until the game was banned in China.
US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on an election campaign tour with her virtual character in the Animal Crossing universe, delivering personal messages to the islanders. Gamers have also had the opportunity to put up campaign posters for Democratic candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris in their virtual front yards.
However, there are no official Trump posters in the game. A spokeswoman for the US President said the Trump campaign would continue to use its resources to campaign in the real world, "with real Americans. Election campaigns have. This is not exactly a new phenomenon. In the past, they were programmed for just that purpose, advertising games for a party or a candidate with a limited range.
But in-game advertising is an entirely different story, as such advertising becomes an accessory of sorts and is not the main purpose of the game, much as is the case with ads on social media. Advertising in video games is for the most part still the exception, however — and not the rule. He told DW that technological hurdles remain the main obstacle in creating a wider reach.
That's why campaign strategists think twice over whether making the effort might be worthwhile. It's always also a matter of money, said Julius van de Laar, who campaigned for former President Barack Obama in the presidential election.
World All Time Top Share your favorite with your friends! Share your rating with your friends! Info Video Full controls in game. The Change Architect. American Election. A Nightmare Narrative Game Hours. Greg Buchanan. You must prove to have realigned yourself with our prioritization above all of self and nation. Keep Me Occupied. Two Interviewees. A man and a woman get through the same job interview. Who gets hired? Mauro Vanetti. Martian Immigration Nightmare. Can you get through Martian immigration?
Pangea is strategy game about political decisions and their influence on humanity. Simon Herfert. Tooth and Nail. Captain Smol visits another strange new world A lockdown during a crisis.