This is very much a trade-off between Product and Engineering, and requires both disciplines to come together to make a call on the use of the label, and most importantly, where progress on that software needs to get to before the label can be removed.
You only get one chance at a first impression. There is an overwhelmingly positive side to being able to run beta programs, and in users being more open to using beta software, even at work.
OK, I exaggerate, but some do get very excited. We learn a lot from our beta programs, and some of our customers give such great feedback we should probably be paying them rather than the other way round. Here are a list of things that I feel beta software should not be, yet have witnessed:.
The first two situations often occur when there is external pressure to ship regardless of quality, such as when a feature has been promised and needs to go out to save face. The last situation stems from a nervous team, and may not even be indicative of their anxiety of how their users will react, but rather how important internal people will react, such as their managers, peers or the executives. The beta label is used as a buffer for any initial disappointment with the shipped feature.
Abuse of the beta label is often not because you have a poor performing team: you may have a poor performing culture or organization. Beta releases, when handled correctly, are excellent tools to ship faster, please users, generate excitement and get valuable feature and infrastructure feedback. Your email address will not be published. Open Close. Just look at it. Showing my age Sarge. Try not to spend over 5 years in beta. This product seemed to take off, though.
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