Unfortunately, most students and residents do not have that opportunity. Training programs are placing an ever-increasing clinical load on their faculties. One-on-one teaching experiences are hard to program. It is the rare institution that provides most of its students and residents headed for primary care practice with an adequate ECG reading experience. This book is intended as an ECG curriculum that emphasizes practice.
My goal is to have you reading ECGs as quickly as possible. Where you want additional depth, refer to an encyclopedic text in the library. The practice ECGs include clinical data and questions that are designed to make teaching points. Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ECG problems 4th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
As with most of medicine there is no substitute for experience, and to make the best use of the ECG there is no substitute for reviewing large numbers of them. ECGs need to be interpreted in the context of the patient from whom they were recorded. You need to learn to appreciate the variations of normality and of the patterns associated with different diseases, and to think about how the ECG can help patient management. Although no book can be a substitute for practical experience, ECG Problems goes a stage nearer the clinical world than books that simply aim to teach ECG interpretation.
It presents clinical problems in the shape of simple case histories, together with the relevant ECG. It then invites the reader to interpret the ECG in the light of the clinical evidence provided, and to decide on a course of action before looking at the answer.
About one-third of the problems are of a standard that a medical student should be able to cope with, and should be answered correctly by anyone who has read The ECG Made Easy. A junior doctor, specialist nurse or paramedic should get another third right, if they have read The ECG in Practice. The remainder should challenge the MRCP candidate.