Location Of Vent Valve The vent valve is located in the front housing next to the temperature regulators. The vent valve is used to let the air out of the cooling system when the cooling system is fi lled. When the engine is in operation, the vent valve will close and not let coolant go through. This Will help increase the temperature of the coolant at low engine loads. Locations 01 Healer Connections Diesel Truck Engine The front housing has several plugs that give access to water passages inside the housing.
For the correct access points to install heater hoses, see the Locat ions Of Heater Connections picture. Basic Block Cylinder Block The cylinders are a part of the cylinder block. There are no replaceable cylinder liners. The cylinders can be machined bored up to 1.
The cylinders in the block are at a 90 angle to each other. There are five main bearings In the block to support the crankshaft. Cylinder Head There is one cylinder head for each side bank of the engine. One intake and one exhaust valve is used for each cylinder. The valve guides are a part of the cylinder head and can not be replaced. Valve seat Inser ts are used for the intake and exhaust valve and can be replaced.
The two ring pistons have two rings which are located above the piston pin bore. There is one compression ring and one all control ring. The oil ring is made in one piece afld has an expaflsion spring behind it. The compression ring is also one piece and goes into an iron band that IS cast into the piston.
Both the compression and the oil control rings are of the conventional type not Keystone. The three ring piston is an aluminum casting with an Iron band for the two compression rings. All rings are located above the piston pin bore. The two compression rings are of the Keystone type and seat in an iron band that is cast into the piston.
Keystone rings have a tapered shape and the movement of the rings in the piston groove also of tapered shape results In a constantly changing clearance scrubbing action between the ring and the groove. This action results in a reduction of carbon deposit and possible sticking of rings. The oil ring IS a standard conventional type and is spring loaded.
The piston pin is held in the piston by two snap rings which go into the piston pin bore Systems Operation I Pistons with different compression ratios are used for Truck Engines. The pistons must not be interchanged with pistons of a different compression ratio. The piston pin end of the connecting rod is tapered to give more bearing surface at the area of highest load. The rod is installed on the piston with the boss on the connecting rod on the same side as the crater in the piston The connecting rod bearings are held in location with a tab that goes into a groove in the connecting rod.
Crankshaft The force of combustion in the cylinders is changed to usable rotating power by the crankshaft. The crankshaft can have either six or eight counterweights. A gear on the front of the crankshaft turns the engine camshaft gear and the engine oil pump. The end play of the crankshaft is controlled by the thrust bearing on NO. Vibration Damper The tWisting of the crankshaft, due to the regular power impacts along its length, is called twisting torsional vibration.
The vibration damper is installed on the front end of the crankshaft. It is used for reduction of torsional vibrations and stops the vibration from bUi lding up to amounts that cause damage. The damper is made of a flywheel ring 1 connected to an inner hub 3 by a rubber ring 2. The rubber makes a flexible coupli ng between the flywheel ring and the inner hub. Some of the electrical system components are used in more than one cirCUIt. The battery batteries , ci rcuit breaker, ammeter, cables and wires from the battery are all common in each of the circuits.
The charging circuit is in operation when the engine is running. An alternator makes electricity for the chargi ng circuit. A voltage regulator in the circuit controls the electrical output to keep the battery at full charge.
The starting circuit is in operation only when the start switch is activated. The low amperage circuit and the charging circuil are both connected to the same side of the ammeter. The starting circuit connects to the opposite side of tne ammeter. Making or breaking an alternator connection with heavy load on the circuit can cause damage to the regulator. Systems Operation Charging System Components Alternator Oelco-Remy The alternator IS driven by V-belts from the crankshaft pulley This alternator is a three phase, self -rectifying charging unit, and Ihe regulator is part of the alternator.
This alternator design has no need for slip rings or brushes. All conductors thai carry current are stationary. The conductors are the field winding, stator windings, six rectifying diodes and the regulator circuit components The rotor assembly has many magnetic poles like fingers with air space between each opposite pole.
The poles have residual magnetism like permanent magnets that produce a smal l amount of magnet-like li nes of force magnetic field between the poles. As the rotor assembly begi ns to turn between the field windi ng and the stator windings, a small amount of al ternating current AC is produced in the stator windings from the small magnetic lines of force made by the residual magnetism of the poles This AC current is changed to direct current DC when it passes through the diodes of the rect ifier bridge Most of this current goes to charge the battery and to supply the low amperage circuit , and the remainder is sent on to the field windings.
The DC currenl flow through the field windings wires around an iron core now Increases the strength of the magnetic lines of force. These stronger lines of force now increase the amount of AC current produced in the stator windings The increased speed of the rotor assembly also increases the current and voltage output of the alternator.
The voltage regulator is a sol id state transistor, stationary parts electroniC switch. It feels the VOl tage in the system and switches on and off many times a second to control the field current DC current to the field windi ngs for the alternator to make the needed voltage output. Alternator Bosch The alternator is driven by V-belts from the crankshaft pulley. This alternator is a three phrase, self -rectifying charging unit, and the regulator is part of t he alternator.
The 7N Al ternator has an output of 37 A. The 9W Alternator has an output of 40A. Bosch Alternator 1 Fan. Systems Operation This alternator design has no need for sli p rings or brushes, and the only part that has movement is the rotor assembly. All conductors that carry current are stationary. The conductors are: the field winding, stator windings, six rectifyi ng diodes, and the regulator circuit components. The rotor assembly has many magnetic poles like fingers wi th air space between each opposite pole.
The poles have residual magnetism l ike permanent magnets that produce a small amount of magnet-like li nes of force magnetic field between the poles. As the rotor assembly begins to turn between the f ield winding and the stator windings, a small amount of alternati ng current AC is produced in the stator windings from the small magnetic lines of force made by the residual magnetism of the poles.
This AC current is changed to direct current DC when it passes through the diodes of the rectifier bridge. Most of this current goes to charge the battery and 10 supply the low amperage circuit, and the remainder is sent to the field windings.
The DC current flow through the field windings wires around an iron core now increases the strength of the magnetic lines of force. These stronger lines of force now increase the amount of AC current produced in the stator windings.
The increased speed of the rotor assembly also increases the current and voltage output of the alternator. Alternator Nippondenso The Nippondenso al ternator has three-phase, full-wave rectif ied output.
It is brushless. The rotor and bearings are the only moving parts. When the engine is started and t he rotor turns inside the stator windi ngs, three-phase alternating current AC and rapidly risi ng voltage is generated. A small amount of alternating current AC is changed rectif ied to pulsating direct current DC by the exciter diodes on the rect ifier assembly. Output current from these diodes adds to the initial current which flows through the rotor field windings from residual magnetism.
This will make the rotor a stronger magnet and cause the alternator to become activated automatically. As rotor speed, current and voltages increase, the rotor field current increases enough until the alternator becomes fully activated. The main battery charging current is charged rectified from AC to DC by the ot her positive and negalive diodes in the rectif ier and pack main output diodes which operate in a full wave linkage rect ifier circuit. Alternator output is controlled by a regulator, which is inside the alternator rear frame.
Alternator Regulator Bosch The vol tage regulator is an electroniC switch. It feels the vol tage in the system and gives the necessary field current current to the field windings of the alternator for the alternator to make the needed voltage. The voltage regulator controls the field current to the alternator by switching on and off many times a second.
Systems Operation Alternator Regulator Nippondenso The regulator is fastened to the alternator by two different methods One method fastens the regulatOf to the top, rear of alternatOf. With the other method the regulator IS fastened separately by use of a wife and a connector that goes into the alternatOf.
The voltage regulator is a solid state electronic switch It feels the voltage in the system and gives the necessary field current current to the field WIndings of the alternator for the alternator to make the needed voltage. The voltage regulator controls the field current to the alternator by SWitching on and off many times a second.
There is no voltage adjustment for this regulator. Starting System Components Solenoid A solenoid is a magnetic switch that does two basic operations: a. Closes the high current starter motor circuit with a low current start switch Circuit. Engages the starter motor pinion with the ring gear.
There is a plunger core with a Spring load inside the cylinder that can move forward and backward When the start switch is closed and electricity is sent through the Windings, a magnetic field is made that pulls the plunger forward in the cylinder. This moves the shift lever connected to the rear of the plunger to engage the pinion drive gear with the ring gear.
The front end of the plunger then makes contact across the battery and motor terminals of the solenoid, and the slarter motor begins to turn the flywheel of the engine. When two sets of windings in the solenoid are used, they are called the hold-in winding and the pullin winding Both have the same number of turns around the cylinder, but the pullin winding uses a larger diameter wire to produce a greater magnetic field When the start switch is closed, part of the current flows from the battery through the hold-In wmdings, and the rest flows through the pull-in windings to motor terminal , then through the motor to ground.
When the solenOid is fully activated connection across battery and motor terminal is complete , current is shut off through the pullln windings.
Now only the smaller hold in windings are in operation for the extended period of time it takes to start the englOe The solenoid will now take less current from the battery, and heat made by the solenoid Will be kept at an acceptable level.
Starter Motor The starter motor IS used to turn the engine fly.. Starter Motor 1 Field. The solenoid core will now move to push the starter pimon, by a mechanical linkage, to engage with the ring gear on the fly.. The starter pinion Will engage With the flng gear before the electric contacts in the solenoid close the Circuit between the battery and the starter motor. When the Circuit between the battery and the starter motor is complete, the pinion Will turn the engine flywheel A clutch gives protection for the starter motor so that the engine, when it starts to run, cannot turn the starter motor too fast.
When the start sWItch is released, the starter pinion will move away from the flywheel ring gear. Its operation electrically is the same as the solenoid. Its function is to reduce the current load on the start switch and control current to the starter solenoid. Other Components Circuit Breaker The circuit breaker is a switch that opens the battery circuit if the current in the electrical system goes higher than the rating of the circuit breaker.
A heat activated metal disc with a contact point completes the electric circuit through the circuit breaker.
If the current in the electrical system gets too high. This heat causes a distortion of the metal disc which opens the contacts and breaks the circuit. A circuit breaker that is open can be reset after it cools. Push the reset button to close the contacts and reset the ci rcuit breaker. Charging System.. Oil Pressure Is Low.. Too Much Bearing Wear. The source of the problem is difficult to find, especially when smoke comes from the exhaust.
Smoke that comes from the exhaust can be caused by a bad fuel injection valve, but it can also be caused by one or more of the reasons that follow: a. Not enough air for good combustion. An overload at high altitude. Oil leakage into combustion chamber. Not enough compression. Fuel System Inspection A problem with the components that send fuel to the engine can cause low fuel pressure.
This can decrease engine performance. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Look at the cap for the fuel tank to make sure the vent is not filled WIth dirt. Check the fuel lines for fuel leakage. Be sure the fuel supply hne does not have a restriction or a bad bend. Install a new fuel filter. Clean the fuel screen located in the inlet valve of the fuel transfer pump. Remove any air that may be in the fuel system. Open the drain valve on the fuel injection pump housing.
Operate the luel priming pump until fuel without air comes from the drain lines. Close the drain valve. Move the governor lever to the low idle position. Crank the engine with the starter motor until fuel without air comes from the fuel line connections. Ttghten the fuel line nuts. Check Engine Cylinders Separately An easy check can be made 10 find the cylinder that runs rough misfires and causes black smoke to come out of the exhaust pipe. Run the engine at the speed that is the roughest.
Loosen the fuel line nut at a fuel injection pump. This will stop the flow of fuel to that cylinder. Do this for each cylinder until a loosened fuel line is found that makes no difference In engine periormance.
Be sure to tighten each fuel line nut after the test before the next luelline nut is loosened. Check each cylinder by this method. When a cylinder is found where the loosened fuel line nut does not make a difference in engine performance, test the injection pump and fuel injection nozzle for that cylinder. Temperature of an exhaust manifold port, when the engine runs at low idle speed, can also be an indication of the condition of a fuel injection nozzle.
Low temperature at an exhaust manifold port is an indication of no fuel to the cylinder. This can possibly be an indication of a nozzle with a defect. Extra high temperature at an exhaust manifold port can be an indication of too much fuel to the cylinder, also caused by a nozzle with a defect.
The most common defects found with the fuel injection valves are: 1. Carbon on tip of the nozzle or in the nozzle Orifice. Orifice wear. Dirty nozzle screen. Use 5P Nozzle Testing Group. Fuel Injection Lines Fuel from the fuel injection pumps goes to the fuel injection nozzles through the fuel injection lines. When fuel injection lines are disconnected or removed, always put caps or plugs on the ends to keep dirt out of the lines.
When fuel injection lines are installed, be sure all clamps and dampers are installed in their original location. Each fuel injecl ion line of an engine has a special design and must be installed in a certain location. When fuel injection hnes are removed from an engine, ptlt identification marks or tags on the fuel tines as they are removed, so they can be put in the correct location when they ate installed.
The nuts that hold a fuel injection line to an injection nozzle and injection pump must be t ightened to the correct torque. If the nut is loose, fuel will leak from the connection. If the nut is tightened too tight, the inside diameter of the line will become smaller and cause a restriction to the flow of fuel in the line. Fuel Injection Pumps When injection pumps, sleeves and hfters are removed from the injection pump housing, keep the parts of each pump together so they can be installed back in thelf original location.
Be careful when disassembling injection pumps. Do not damage the surface on the plunger. The plunger, sleeve and barrel for each pump are made as a set Do not put the plunger of one pump in the barrel or sleeve of another pump. If one part is worn, Install a complete new pump assembly, Be careful when putting the plunger in the bore of the barrel or sleeve. When an InjeChOn pump is Installed correctly, the plunger is through the sleeve and the adjustment lever is engaged with the groove on the sleeve.
The bushing thai holds the injectioo pump in the pump housing must be kept tight Tighten the bushing to 80 7 Nom 60 5 Ib ft. Damage to the housing will result if the bushing is too light. If the bushing is not tight enough. Air Inlet Pipe NOTICE If the sleeves on one or more of the fuel injection pumps have been installed wrong, damage to the en- gine is possible if cautions are not taken at first start- ing. When the fuel injection pumps have been removed and installed with the fuel injection pump housing on engine, take the following cautions when first starting the engine.
Remove the air cleaner leaving the air inlet pipe open as shown. Set the governor control at low Idle. Due to excessive suction, the plate can be pulled quickly against air inlet pipe. To avoid crushed fingers, do not put fingers between plate and air inlet pipe. Remove fitting 1 from the timing hole 3 In the front cover. Put bolt 2 In timing hole 3. Fitt ing And Bolt Location 11 Fillmg. Remove the valve cover on the right side of the engine as seen from rear of engine.
I cyli nder. The intake and exhaust valves for No 1 cylinder must now be closed and the timing pointer will be in alignment with the mC1 on the damper assembly. The NO. Fuel System Adjustments Checking Fuel Injection Pump Timing; On Engine The liming of the fuel Injection pump can be checked and changed if necessary, to make compensation for movement in the taper sleeve drive or worn timing gears The timng can be checked and if necessary.
Remove bolt 1 from the timing pin hole. Remove the fitting from l iming hole 4 In the front cover. Put bolt 3 through the fronl cover and into the hole with threads in the timing gear.
Remove nuts 7 and the cover for the tachometer drive assembly 6. Remove the tachometer drive shaft 9 and washer 8 from the camshaft for the fuel injection pumps. NOTE: Tachometer drive shaft 9 and washer 8 are removed as an assembly. Put6V Puller 10 on the camshaft for the fuel injection pumps Tighten bolts 11 until the drive gear on the camshaft for the fuel InJection pumps comes loose. Remove the 6V Puller e. With timing pin 2 in the notch in the camshaft for the fuel injection pumps, and bolt 3 in the hole in the timing gear, the liming for the engne is COfrect.
Install washer 8 and tachometer drive shaft 9. Tighten tachometer drive shaft to 14 Nom 10 Ib ft Remove l iming pin 2. APl Tachometer [ five Shaft g. If ti ming pin 2 and bol t 3 can not be installed do Steps a through f again. Remove bolt 3 from the timing gear and install in hole 5. Install the plug in timing hole 4.
Remove timing pin 2 and install bolt 1. Install cover for the tachometer drive assembly 6. To avoid personal injury or fire from 1uel spray, the engine must be stopped belore the fuel line is disconnected. When checking the dynamic li ming on an engine that has a mechanical advance, Caterpillar recommends that the serviceman calculate and plot the dynamic timing speCifications first on a worksheet like Form No. These worksheets are available in pads of 50 sheets, order one Form No.
See Special Instruction, Form No. SEHS for information required to calculate the timing curve. For the correct timing specifications to use, see the Engine Information Plate for the performance specification number and make reference to the Fuel Setting And Related Information Fiche. After the timing values are calculated and plolted, the dynamic t iming should be checked with the 8T Timing Indicator Group and the 8T Diesel Timing Adapter Group. To do this, the serviceman must operate the engi ne from rpm base rpm to high idle and from high Idle to rpm base rpm.
Unstable readings are often obtained below lOCO rpm. He must record the dynamic liming at each rpm and at the specilled speeds dUring both acceleration and deceleration. Then he should plot the results on the worksheet. Inspection of the plotted values will show if the fuel Injection timing is Wi thin specification and if it is advancing correctly.
Loosen all fuel line clamps that hold No. Slide the nut up and out of the way. Put 5P Adapter 9 in its place and turn adapter 9 onto the fuel pump bonnet until the top of the bonnet threads are approximately even with the bottom of the "window" in the adapter. Put fuel Injection line 13 on top of 5P Adapter 1 1. Instal15P Adapter 7 and tighten to 40 Nm Ib tt. Remove fitting 14 from the front housing. Install transducer adapter 5 into hole fitting 14 was removed from. Tighten only a small amount.
Push the TOC magnetic transducer 3 into the transducer adapter 5 until it makes contact with the camshaft gear. Pull it back out 1. Conneclthe cables from the transducers to the Engine Timing Indicator Make a calibration check of the indicator For caon check of the indicator. For calibration procedure, make reference to Special Instruction, Form No. Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are moving, can cause personal injury. Start the engine and let It reach operating temperature.
Then run the engine at appmximately one-half throttle for eight to ten minutes before measuring timing TAslina And Adiustina 9.
Run the engine at the speeds required to check low idle, timing advance and high idle. Record the engine timing indicator readings. If the ti ming advance is still not c rect, or if the operation of the advance is not smooth, make a repair or replacement of Ihe automatic advance uni t. There IS no adjustment to the unit. Fuel Setting Tools Needed 5P Field Service Tool Group The procedure that fol lows for fuel seltlng can be done with the houSing for the fuel injection pumps either on or off the engine.
NOTE: If the fuel injection pump group is equipped with a fuel ratio control, the control must be removed belQl" the fuel setting is checked or adjusted.
Removal Of CoYers 1 Shutoff solenoid. NOTICE Before any service work is done on this fuel system, the outside of the housing for the fuel injection pumps and all parts connected to it must be especially clean. Remove shutoH solenoid 1 and cover 2. Pullhe 5P Zero Set Pin 5 , with Put adapter 3 and spring 4 over zero set pin 5. Use a Bolt and a Bolt to fasten adapter 3 to the housing for the fuel injection pumps. Installation Of Cover 3 5P Adapter. Put screw 6 in the hole over pin 5 and spring 4.
Inst allat ion Of Screw 6 Screw. Turn screw 6 clockWise until pin 5 is held against the housing for the fuel injection pump.
DO NOT tighten screw 6 too tight. Put 5P Point 9 on dial Indicator 8. Pul l he indicator assembly in clamp 7. Adjust dial indicalOf 8 so both pointers 10 are on -0 zero.
Use wrench 11 to turn the 8S Screw 6 counterclockwise, Turn screw 6 six or more turns. Put the cl ip end 01 the Ci rcuit Tester to a good ground.
Do this step several times to make sure the reading IS correct If the reading on dial indicator 8 is not correct, do the fa the following. Use 'Wrench 18 and locknut Use screwdriver 16 to turn adjustment screw 17 untillhe reading on dial indicator 8 is the same as the dimension given in the Fuel Setting And Related Information Fiche. When the adjustment is correct, lighten locknut Check the adjustment again by dOing Steps 11 through 15 again.
NOTE: The same tools thai are used in thiS procedure are also used for the fuel ratio control adjustment. This new pin assembly can be adapted to truck engines 2Z through 2Z, which have the above engine rat ing specifications. The coil type torque control group improves the torque rise as the engine lugs below tuilioad rpm. The pin and spring assembly are matched and must be kept together Leaf Type Torque Spring a.
Write down the dimension that is on dial indicator 8. Remove the test tools [adapter 3 , spnng 4 , and dial indicator 8 ] from the housing lor luel injection pumps. The difference between the dimensions in a and b is the thickness and amount of shims to remove or install to gel the correct setting.
Install the correct amount of shims 12 torque spring 14 , and stop bar 13 on the housing for the fuel Injection pumps. Inslalilhe test tools and do the test procedure again. Do this until the dimenSion on the dial indicator is the same as the dimension given in the Fuel Setting And Related Information Fiche.
After the fuel setting is correct, remove the test lools, Install cover 2 and shutoff solenoid 1 , Fuel Ratio Control Adjustment NOTE: The same tools are needed for the fuel raliO control adjustment that were used for the fuel selling. Make reference to Fuel Selli ng for the l ools needed and instructions to Install the tools.
NOTE: The fuel selling must be correct before an adjustment is made to the fuel ratio control. Make reference to Fuel Settmg. Remove shutoff solenoid 1 and cover 2. Removal 0 1 Covers 1 Shuto" solenoid. To check the fuel rat io control selting, move t he governor lever slowly to the high idle pOSition. Make a record of Ihe reading on the dial indicator. If an adjustment is needed remove three bolts 3 from the fuel ratio control.
Hold the governor lever in Ihe high idle POSition and turn flange 4 until the fuel ralio control setting is correct. Anrl Arli Move governor lever to low idle and again move the lever slowly to high idle to check the fuel rat io control setting, 5. Install bolts 3. Flange 4 can be lurned a small amount 10 give al ignment for bolts 3. Remove lools and install cover 2 and shutoff solenoid 1. The engine produces too much black smoke.
The engine runs rough because fuel delivery is nol even. Some cylinders conti nue to f ire at fuel shutoff position.
The complete injection group is being reconditioned. NOTICE Before any service work is done on this fuel system, the outside of the injection pump housing and all parts connected to it must be clean.
Remove the fuel shutoff solenoid 1. Remove the fuel that is in the injection pump housing and the governor housing, Removal Of Covers 1 Shutoff solenoid. Put the 3P Calibration Pi n 3 in calibration hole as shown. Install the 5P Adapter l as shown. Fasten it in position with a Bolt 5 and a Bol t 6.
Put the 8S Screw 4 setscrew in the hole over the calibration pin 3. Tighten the setscrew 4 to 2,3 to 2,8 Nom 20 to 25 Ib in with the 2P Socket. Crossover Levers 10 Crossover lever. A Sleeve levers. Loosen the bolts that hold sleeve levers A and slide levers A out of the way. Put gauge 13 on shafts 14 and Slide gauge 13 toward crossover levers 10 and 11 unlil dowel pin 12 goes into hole in gauge If dowel pin 12 must be hfted to go Into the hole In gauge 13 , the levers must be adjusted.
See Adjustment Of Crossover Levers If gauge 13 must be lifted more than 0. To check the maximum clearance of 0. Use a feeler gauge to check clearance. NOTE: After the checking of the crossover levers is complete, the two fuel injection pumps must be calibrated where sleeve levers have been moved to install 5P42Q9 Gauge. See Fuel Pump Calbration. Adjustment of Crossover Levers 1.
Remove the fuel shutoff solenoid 1 top cover 2 of the fuel pump housing and the cover over the torque control group. Remove the fuellhat is In the injection pump housing and the governor housing. Put the 3P Calibrall l Pin 3 in calibration hole. Install the 5P Adapter 7. Fasten it in position with a Boll 5 and a Bolt 6 5.
Pullhe Screw 4 setscrew in the hole over the calibration pin 3. Tighten the setscrew 4 to 2. Adjust low idle screw 8 to position lever 9 to 89 1. Loosen Ihe bolts that hold crossover lever 10 and 11 and move lever 10 off dowel pin Adjustment Of Crossover Lellers 13 Gauge.
Put gauge 13 on shafts 14 and 15 , put crossover lever 11 in a position so dowel pin 12 will fit in gauge hole. Hold gauge 13 down and torque the bolt that holds crossover lever 11 to 2.
Check adjustment again with the 5P Gauge Put gauge 13 on shafts 14 and 15 , slide gauge toward crossover lever 11 to engage dowel pin 12 into hole in gauge If dowel pin 12 must be lifted to go into gauge, Ihe lever must be adjusted again. If gauge 13 is hfted, a maximum of 0. Slide crossover lever 10 on to dowel pin Torque the bol t that holds crossover lever 10 10 2.
Tightening Bolt 10 Crossover lever. Check the adjustment again with the 5P Gauge. NOTE: After the adjustment of the crossover levers is completed, all of the fuel inject ion pumps must be calibrated. See Fuel Pump Calibration. Vee eogines. Checking Fuel Pump Calibration The following procedure lor fuel pump calibration can be done with the housing for the fuel lnJeclion pumps on or off the engine.
Each section covers a specific component or system and, in addition to the standard service procedures, includes disassembling, inspecting, and assembling instructions. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each section. Pages are easily found by category, and each page is expandable for great detail. It is in the cross-platform PDF document format so that it works like a charm on all kinds of devices.
You do not need to be skilled with a computer to use the manual. Remove plug from cover in fuel injection pump housing and install tool A. Turn the crankshaft clockwise until the timing pin drops into the groove slot in the fuel injection pump camshaft. Get caterpillar marine engine service manual PDF file for free from our online library PDF file: caterpillar marine engine service manual Page: 2 3.
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