It makes my life simpler to no longer have to deal with the hassles of running an online store. But I wanted to make sure users of Snowflake Pro would have a path forward. I have a friend, Cameron Sutter, who makes a competing product called Plottr.
I talked to Cameron and asked him to add a feature to Plottr that would import Snowflake Pro files. He did that, and then I worked with him to make Plottr work extremely well with the Snowflake Method. I am super happy with the end result. Plottr runs great. I use Plottr now myself. That has become the most popular page on my web site and has been viewed over six million times.
The Snowflake method is used by novelists all over the world. The important point is that zillions of people around the world use the Snowflake method, including a number of published authors. The bad news is that the Snowflake method makes you work. If it were, everybody would be writing great fiction. Writing a novel is hard. The Snowflake method helps you organize your ideas, but it also makes you work. The Snowflake method has ten steps that include a high-concept story idea, a Three-Act Structure, a detailed character analysis, a synopsis, a scene list, and more.
So I wrote a program, Snowflake Pro , to make the steps of working through the Snowflake method a joy — at least for me. I added in four examples of Snowflake analyses of popular books and movies. Many writers have a hard time explaining their story to agents or editors. The Snowflake method asks you to define a one-sentence summary and then expand that to a Three-Act Structure.
That takes some thinking. It forces you to really understand your own story. Several of the steps in the Snowflake method ask you to define your characters and then to get to know them — really well. This pays huge dividends in your fiction writing. A modern novel has dozens of scenes — often more than a hundred. Managing all those scenes is hard, because they cover hundreds of pages in your manuscript.
A Scene List allows you to see all your scenes at a glance. Snowflake Pro makes it easy to create and edit your Scene List. And a whole lot more. Many editors and agents insist on receiving a book proposal for your novel. It spells out a suggested business partnership between you and a potential publisher, explaining the risks and rewards of publishing your novel. The good news? Many of the pieces of a book proposal are actually steps in the Snowflake method.
So I added a bonus step in Snowflake Pro. At the press of a button , Snowflake Pro will write the skeleton of a book proposal for your novel.
Snowflake Pro will also write in empty slots for things like your market analysis and marketing plan which are NOT part of the Snowflake method — along with some savvy suggestions on how to fill in these essential parts. Just press that button and Snowflake Pro will save your proposal skeleton as an RTF file on your hard drive — ready for you to load into any word processor, where you can then fill in all the details.
RTF files are universal. All word processors can read them. How do you format it? I love writing proposals. Use Snowflake Pro to get a running start on your proposal. And then use all the handy tips Snowflake Pro embeds in the proposal to guide you in polishing it to a high sheen. When you buy Snowflake Pro , you buy a license to run it on up to five of your own personal machines.
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