The default values should not be used because everyone who has a copy of the program knows them. I have the software and operator caddx but no password. Jim Davis. Robert is more like He sleeps with the fishes. The fucker went and died. Sorry to have been so blunt.
Hello, I am looking for a password for the software DL for a networx caddx nx8 system. Who can help me?? It is for domestic use only!! Thanks in forward, Johan. Has anyone else experienced this with the DL software? Tags: None. September 24, , PM. Sounds like the CD may be hosed. The user credentials are: webuser care4u If you have problems let me know and I can e-mail the DL software directly to you! Comment Post Cancel. September 25, , PM. Thanks Kevin. I have downloaded the software from the site you suggested using the user credentials you provided.
I also went through the installation process and everything seems to have worked OK. However, when I try to use the program, I get a window called "master access" which asks me for "Operator" and "Password".
Comment Post Cancel. I have installed the DL software and also the Homeseer Plugin. How can I tell if either one is working? I don't see any sign of being "connected". Are there any checks I can do? To verify connectivity, could you increase the debug log level found under the "Logging" tab in the plugin's config window to '3'? Then restart Homeseer and post the first 20 lines from the debug log.
Debug log Thanks Nitrox. The debug log is shown below. I'm really looking forward to getting this working. Please let me know what you think is the problem. November 15, , AM. Ok, you have partial communication, it doesn't appear that the panel is handling any incoming requests.
I'm wondering if there is a cable issue and that the Tx line from the PC to the Rx line at the panel isn't pinned correctly. The reason I think the cable may be culprit is because in the log you can see the plugin sending requests for zone names but never getting a response. Also, the panel is sending the exact partition status message every couple of seconds, which means that the panel is not receiving the 'ack' that the plugin is sending in response.
November 15, , PM. Still Stuck! Thanks Nitrox, These are the instructions I used to set up the line connection between the panel and the computer.
Ribbon cable, with red stripe to the Caddx board edge yes it fits backwards!! The cat 5e cable is about 50' long. Could that be a problem? I notice that the red stripe on the ribbon cable is at the back end of the panel. Is that correct?